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FTP ソフト(WS_FTP 32)の使い方

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WS_FTP 32 Le とは

Internetの基本サービスの一つで,自分と他の計算機との間でファイル転送すること,およびその規約(プロトコル)です. WS_FTPのヘルプを開くと,このソフトの詳しい使い方が書かれている.
WS_FTP Pro (or WS_FTP Le)
is a Windows-based application for transferring files between your PC (the local system) and a remote system. Using WS_FTP Pro, you can connect to another system from your PC, browse directories and files on both systems, WS_FTP Pro is a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client application that complies with the Windows sockets (Winsock) standard. WS_FTP Pro can connect to any system that has a valid Internet Address and contains an FTP server program, allowing you to transfer files between a wide variety of systems, including Windows, OS/2, and UNIX systems.

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Last updated: T. Katayama
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