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  1. Name: Katayama, Toshiyuki
    personal data and my photo

  2. I will be absent from the office following days:
      only longer cases listed
    • Sun. 22 Aug. - 22 Aug. '99 FewBody(APFB99)?
    • Mon. 17 Aug. - 20 Aug. '99 Nucl. Sympo.(Sappro99)?
    • Fri. 4 Jun. - 6 Jun. '99 Liberal and General Edu. Soc.
    • Sat. 1 May. - 5 May. '99 Holiday
    • Mon. 27 Dec. '98 - 11 Jan. '99 Holoday
    • Mon. 14 Dec. - 17 Dec. '98 KEK
    • Tue. 2 Dec. - 4 Dec. '98 ADBS
    • Fri. 2 Oct. - 6 Oct. '98 Phys. Soc.
    • Sat. 12 Sep. - 21 Sep. '98 QiHN?

  3. Weekly Schedule
      Time tables of my lectures and my office hours are shown.

  4. Miscellanea
    Apr. 2, 1998 : Entrance Ceremony
    Nov.16, 1996 : Admission exam. for 1997
    Feb.6.7,8, 1998 : Entrance exam. for 1999 (Normal exam.)
    Dec.18, 1996 : Entrance exam. for 1997 (Special exam. only)
    Nov.29, 1995 : 30th aniversary of Int'l Exchange Program with Lewis & Clark College, Oregon
  5. Address

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