[Image Magick]

ImageMagick is continually being enhanced. Check this section periodically to see what enhancements have been added. See Changelog for past enhancements and bug fixes.
* There is a port of ImageMagick for Windows NT/Win95.
* Display has a new command Miscellany->Show Preview. This function allows you to preview the effects of different image operators at varying scales.
* Display nows supports the DndProtocols for drag-n-drop.
* Added a new format, PLASMA, a plasma fractal image. Specify the base color as the filename (e.g. plasma:blue-yellow). Use fractal to initialize to a random value (e.g. plasma:fractal).
* A subimage specification can now be disjoint (e.g. image.tiff[2,4,7]).
* You can now compile ImageMagick on Posix systems without the X11 libraries. Use the X11 Stubs libraries instead.

[home page] Image manipulation software that works like magic.